# Linter Walnats ships with a [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/) linter to make sure you use correct arguments and follow good code style. It runs automatically when you run flake8 in the environment with walnats installed. Since walnats is 100% type annotated and built with type safety in mind, linter doesn't check things that should be detected by [mypy](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/). ## Violations ### walnats.Event | code | message | | ------ | ------------------------------------ | | WNS001 | event name is empty | | WNS002 | event name is too long | | WNS003 | event name has invalid symbols | | WNS004 | event name should use kebab-case | | WNS005 | event description is empty | | WNS006 | event description is too long | ### walnats.Limits | code | message | | ------ | ------------------------------------ | | WNS011 | limit must be positive | | WNS012 | age must be in seconds | ### walnats.Actor | code | message | | ------ | ------------------------------------ | | WNS021 | actor name is empty | | WNS022 | actor name is too long | | WNS023 | actor name has invalid symbols | | WNS024 | actor name should use kebab-case | | WNS025 | actor description is empty | | WNS026 | actor description is too long |